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#1 Realisation

This is a small poem which I am sharing here. T he idea of poem is that we should not stop after achieving one goal. There is no end of exploration. One should try to achieve as many goal before going into deep sleep. I hope you would love it. Happy reading.                                   Picture Credit  - Pixabay REALISATION The sky is blue and is clear I can see the end is near Never ever I was so close of my dream I can imagine the life after crossing would be cream  Tired of trying to my last breath  Tired of spending my last bit Tired of investing my time  Tired of everything to get in lime  The goal can be achieved in a moment If I can't certainly I will always regret One last part  One last try My mind shouts the battle cry I have to do this  No way is there that I can miss The situation was becoming tense But the reality is something else Yes I would  cross that line one day  and then I will say  Buddy this is not the end Then the goal would went too far  The sky again w